Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Hungry For More Games

So I finished The Hunger Games a few days ago. My sister bought it for me...after like a month of searching every library in a 20 mile radius, only to discover it was checked out with a long waiting list. This bode well for me because this obviously meant the book was good enough to be checked out widely. I was anticipating a consuming read. And it was...kind of.

I just wanted mooooore. I liked it, don't misunderstand. The whole concept is pretty thought-provoking and has so much potential. But I thought it only skimmed the surface of what it could have been. I was anticpating a grinding tale of desperation and a refelction on human nature and instinct versus compassion and the effects of an oppressive, violent regime over citizens in a post-apocalyptic society....and I got a watered down version :/. Call me optimistic, but I SO was thinking it would have that...and it failed my expectations.

Granted, this was probably because it was aimed at a lower-reading level (I think like early high-school or middle school is the recommended?) so only so much could be covered without losing relation to your average 14-year old.

I just wish this same idea could be published in adult literature! because I want more analysis and deep-delving character development. Oh well. Anyone recommendations of adult books with a similar premise?

Also: I'm kind of upset about how suddenly at the end of the book the front-running issue seemed to be more about the romance triangle thing instead of the looming death of the character in the contest. I feel like this happens too much in YA books with a female lead. Ugh.

I liked the book though. I just didn't adore it as much as everyone else seems to. I needed MORE. Perhaps I'm just growing out of YA novels? :(

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